Episode 35

S2 EP 35 False Teaching Beware

Published on: 18th September, 2024

Hey Iron sisters! In today's episode were discussing false teaching and the warnings scripture clearly tells us to beware of them! But with so much information readily available at the touch of a screen today, how do we know if a teacher is trustworthy? Is it ok to listen to someone who is "mostly" sound with their doctrine? When do we decide if someone's teaching is taking our valuable time away from growing in Christ and actually leading us away from the Lord? What do we do if someone we love is listening to dangerous or even completely false teachings about scripture? All great questions- that we SHOULD be asking! Join us today in this weeks conversation on The Iron Women.

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About the Podcast

The Iron Women
Three Generations
Welcome to the table, where three women of three generations are navigating together how to pursue God as Father, Jesus as Lord, and Spirit as Shepherd through every stage of life.
It doesn’t always look pretty and it’s never perfect, but we’re always aiming to sharpen each other as iron on iron. So sister: Pull up a chair, settle in and get ready to grow with us in today's episode of “The Iron Women.“

About your host

Profile picture for Lauren Henriques

Lauren Henriques

Lauren moved to to a small South Carolina town with her family three years ago to be closer to the mountains, so she thought. Unbeknownst to her, God had some bigger plans to deepen her passionate pursuit of Christ by propelling her forward in her understanding of the word of God through a local church. Lauren has always been a passionate, fun-loving, energetic encourager at her core! She has been zealously pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ for just over 14 years after He saved her from a life rooted in recklessness and addiction. She now serves on the Women's Ministry team at her local church as the Media coordinator and continues to hone her skills and learn how to become a bible teacher in her local community. Lauren also owns and operates a small media company where she takes advantage of the opportunity to share Christ with people who may never ordinarily step foot through the doors of a church. She uses every opportunity she can to love God and love people passionately.